Taking Russian Philosophy seriously
1.1. Philosophy is observer dependent walk of life.Russian philosophy is russian empirical vision of the World as a function of time.
1.2. It is natural for Russian Imagination to see world of the last 500 years as a kind of Mathematical Theater of History (intuitive nonclassical game),where Russia is Personality,but not a sum of residents.
1.3. Philosophical observation, hence, is long-term experience,having temporal limits,but not speculation of pure understanding.It is being-time. Eternity is an infinite time.
1.4. In this context, there is such thing as Philosophical Statistics. If Russia in XVII,XVIII,XIX and XX centuries had visible expansion and Russia was always winner against Poland,Sweden, France and Germany (4 times, it cannot be co-incident), then we can conclude that there are statistical foundations for statement "RUSSIA HAS WINNING STRATEGY" in the framework of some unknown mathematical game.
1.5.Time is the best natural selector. Game is older than culture & philosophy
1.6. USA as historical personality of the period has not sufficient philosophical statistics to suggest that USA had found "absolute winning strategy in the form of American democracy". Absolute winning strategy means the end of history.
1.7.New National states of the 20th century (from Israel to Ukraine )are not nations which are born to win. They have no provable historical statistics.
1.8.Prince S.Trubetskoi in his "Foundations of Idealism" (1905) showed before the Germany's collapse (1918,1945) that German national strategy in History Game (National German Philosophy) was corrupted seriously.German idealism with its anti-scientific attitude (see, for instance, primitive popular science by Hegel in his Encyclopedia)was died already in 1900s.
1.9. I have not arguments in defence of suggestion that in 1991 Russia was loser and Russian winning strategy is mistaken. Time is the best selector.
2.0. Russian Philosophy is an attempt to understand mathematically, and quasi-mathematically (philosophically,in Plato's sense) Russian Winning Strategy generally. It is a part of Experimental Philosophy of the Future.
2.1.Traditional "Russian philosophy" of 19th -20th century is not sufficient. It is based on pre-Kantian mistaken way to do philosophy "simply" , or, may be, it is middle-class's hallucination.
2.2. Pro-scientific attitude of Russian philosophy is very important. To avoid losing strategies of Germany with its anti-scientific vector is to avoid future errors, to have a future.Indeed.
I suppose that Russian philosophy taking seriously could be a branch of exact sciences (game theory )in future.
As development: Part 1. Against German losing strategy
Part 2. Against French losing strategy
Part 3. Weakness of US strategy
To add in future development : pre-Kantian errors of "creators of primitive religions"("historians of philosophy") and to refine thesis - quasi-mathematical is philosophical ( in forgotten post-Losev-like Plato's sense )...etc
It is important to add that
Game is older than any culture and philosophy at all...
1. "Игра" (game), под которой Вы понимаете, видимо, геополитику государств и наций, конечно, первичнее всякой философии. Но отсюда не следует, что философия всегда есть нечто вторичное - всегда обслуживает некоторую "игру". Философия как и любое другое занятие и знание можно использовать в политике, но это "использование" философии безразлично для самой философии. И поэтому никакой стратегии (выигрышной или проигрышной) - у философии нет, но возможно политические стратегии используют определенные идет философии в своей идеологической борьбе.
2. Русской философии как отдельного феномена - вообще нет. Так называемая, "русская философия" - это отчасти интеллигенские рассуждения о Боге и смысле жизни, отчасти - неглубокое продумывание общефилософских идей. Вы сами, другими словами, об этом пишете:
3. Я думаю, что Ваш тезис:
есть не что иное, как попытка выдать желаемое за действительное. "Русская философия" как религиозные искания интеллигентов - вообще вне науки, тем более такой ее дисциплины как математика. Лосев - это как раз самый неудачный пример того, как философию превращают в произвольное конструирование. Но об этом я уже писал в других местах.