Decomposition of Wittgenstein
Let us suppose that Analytical Philosophy as an attempt of Anti-Kantian System is not valid today. Quantum experiments had found strong counter-argument-an existence of Entanglement's "spooky spacetime"- against basic Einsteinian assumptions of Analytic philosophy in 1990s. Hence, thus, it is natural to make the next step toward decomposition of "The Bible of Analytical Philosophy"- decomposition of Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
The first statements of Wittgenstein's Tractatus are following suggestions:
1. The World is all that is the case ("sobaetie","event" in
Minkowski's sense)
1.1. The world is determined by the facts, and by their being all
the facts
1.12.For the totality of facts deteremines what is the case (event),
and also what ever is not the case ( event ).
1.13.The facts in logical space are the world.
Counter- Argument.
In 21st century nobody believes that EPR experiments with demonstration of puzzling "quantum telepathy" of the particles are illusions of quantum experimentalists. Wittgensteinian relativistic enthusiasm, thus, cannot be prove today.In Wittgenstein's ancient scientific attitude, the real "facts" have definite locations in spacetime and a limited range of influence. He "simply" introduced some kind of philological fiction - "logical space" in order to explain Minkowski's mathematical theory of the existence of Weltpunkten in philosophy without any logical proofs.Hence, we have some pre-quantum world in the taste of 1908 in the form of 1,1.1,1.12,1.13 of Tractatus. However, according to quantum theory, a pair of particles in Wittgenstein'world must be able to share information about each other's quantum state (and, moreover, influence them even where the distance and timing involved and timing involved meant that NO signal could have passed between them !).This suggests to Wittgenstein that the first preassumptions of Tractatus are lacking taking something seriouly.
Итак, привычные для нас представления об окружающей реальности, отражаемые принципом физического реализма, что физические свойства объекта существуют сами по себе; и квантово-механический подход, который несовместим с предположением, что наблюдаемые свойства объектов существуют до наблюдения как самостоятельная внутренняя характеристика объектов.
Но наблюдение в микромире – это активное взаимодействие, а при взаимодействии не то, что новые свойства, но и новые частицы возникают. И это тот же факт аналитической философии. И что здесь не то?
Please, see complete text.This is merely part 1 in my attempt of systematic decomposition of Analytica Ltd
Will wait.