Towards Competetive Philosophy in Russia

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Immanuel Kant in his Rococo-project of Transcendental Anthropology suggested that any true philosophy is observer-dependent activity, correspondingly, class, race and ethnic identity are no nonsensial in philosophy.

As is well-known moden powerful analytical tradition in world philosophy is creature of middle-class,expressed republicanism, populism, scholasticism and low taste of imperfectly educated in moral judgement people.

On the contrary, so-called "continental tradition " of french, german and non-american middle-class's imitators of Enlightment thinkers of the Ancient Regime also cannot be considered as competetive philosophy against middle-class's philosophizing,actually.

Great russian art theorist de Diaghilev "of Perm" in 1920s had found remarkable point of the recovery of post-revolutionary russian culture and philosophy not in new democratic ideas or scientific facts, but in ...Rococo's way of thinking of 1750s. His Ballet Russe, in fact, represents an attempt to test this kind of hypothesis, because Last Rococo pre-revolutionary style, associated with Kant's apology of sensibility,existence of natural upper philosophy and aesthetics, pleasure of experiment and idea that the more civilized human beings are, the more they are actors, is some kind of U-philosophy(in Oxford's terms)of natural philosophers. In other words, natural philosopher, natural aristocracy, natural power of superior thinking are possible ! It cannot be popular today in the age of the perfect democracy , associated just merely with today's perfect shameless and anti-noble counter-culture.Natural philosoper with his true taste is able to create Plato-like mericles and fundamental changes in culture, government and science.

Serge Diaghilev believed in original aristocratic taste of russians people and Great history of Ballet Russe proved it. Thus, New Kind of Competetive Russian Philosophy,inspired by Fine Arts, is quite possible in today imperfect democracy in Russia. Our Great Culture is not perfectly shameless like Western, and we are able to recollect our innate taste and innate tact in order to produce most elegant and finest thing in the world - Perfect Russian Philosophy.Why not!?